Super Immune Booster Kit
There are four supplements that are excellent for immune system support when dealing with Ebola virus, similar viruses, or even the common cold virus. They are selenium, nascent iodine, liposomal vitamin C, and colloidal silver.
Please note that these substances are not being given to people to treat, cure, prevent, or mitigate diseases of themselves. These substances provide excellent support for the God-given abilities of the immune system to conquer any infection it is presented with, when properly and adequately supported. A strong infection requires a strong immune system. We often vastly underestimate the depletion of the immune system caused by strong infections, so we also underestimate the amount of support that is required to mount a sufficient immune response.
Selenium has a vital role in our immune system, though not all of the details are well understood. Selenium is important for the activity of the antioxidant enzyme glutathione peroxidase, but it is also important for preventing blood coagulation reactions. A severe deficiency of selenium causes blood coagulation leading to hemorrhaging, a reaction which has been seen in animals infected with hemorrhagic viruses.2
Though we don't have a lot of experience with Ebola virus, many lessons can be learned from another RNA virus, the HIV virus. Both of these viruses mutate quickly because there is not as much translational error-checking with RNA as there is with DNA. Both of these viruses thrive in West Africa in areas known to have selenium-deficient soil. Both of these viruses appear to make selenoproteins2(proteins that contain selenium bound as selenocysteine). When the infected person has a high selenium status, as well as an overall high antioxidant state, viral replication is slowed, but when selenium status is low or deficient, it causes the virus to multiply furiously, and also causes more mutations leading to even more virulent strains. Experiments with animals have demonstrated that fairly benign viruses can mutate into much stronger viruses when a selenium-deficient host is infected.3
The selenium status of the infected person affects the outcome of the viral infection. This effect may be direct effects on the virus as well as indirect effects via strengthening the immune system. For HIV-infected people, better selenium status lead to fewer hospitalizations and lower mortality.4 A randomized, placebo-controlled trial showed that selenium protected HIV patients from an increased viral load and increased the number of CD4+ T cells.5 A follow-up study by the same research group found that a combination of B vitamins, vitamin C, and selenium cut the risk in half of HIV-positive patients in Botswana from a critically low CD4+ T cell count, or from progression of the disease.6Selenium has received enough research attention that low selenium status is accepted as a risk factor for the spreading of HIV virus as well as for worsening health outcomes for infected people.
How is this related to the Ebola virus? Selenium was used during an outbreak of hemorrhagic fever in China. Doctors used 2,000 µg a day of sodium selenite for 9 days to treat fast progressing (fulminant cases) and severe cases. Mortality decreased from 100% in the untreated group to 36% in the treated group for the fulminant cases and from 22% in the untreated severe cases to 0% in the selenium-treated severe cases.7 So, selenium has already been successfully used to prevent depletion of selenium in response to hemorrhagic fever. The lead doctor of the study, Dr. Hou of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences said that if selenium had been given by injection more lives would probably have been saved in the fulminant cases, because they had so much internal bleeding that they could not absorb or retain the oral dose of selenium.8 It is better to begin supplementation before total immune system compromise.
Iodine, in the correct molecular form, has properties similar to chlorine, being in the same chemical column in the periodic table. Iodide and chloride are fairly inert. But hypoiodite and hypochlorite solutions are very good sanitizers, anti-viral, anti-parasitic, anti-bacterial, anti-germ substances. Bleach is a well-known germ killer. But you cannot take bleach internally because it is too caustic and destructive. However, iodine can be taken internally without the biological destruction of bleach, but with the same sort of germicidal properties. This is why surgeons wash with iodine substances, and skin is cleansed with iodine preparations before surgery. It kills germ without damaging skin.
Iodine has been known to be used by white blood cells (leukocytes) to kill bacteria for nearly 50 years.9 Leukocytes use their peroxidase enzyme, combined with hydrogen peroxide and iodine to kill bacteria. This is a normal function of iodine in the body.
More recently, a special form of iodine, nascent iodine, was shown to be particularly useful in strengthening the immune response to malaria. A simple treatment regimen of nascent iodine enabled people's immune systems to successfully fight off the malaria parasite. In a clinical study in India nascent iodine was given to people diagnosed with malaria. Every 4 hours 10 drops of nascent iodine were taken in 100 mls of water, away from food. Fever subsided within 24-48 hours for most of the subjects. By one week, 91% of the men, 78% of the women, and 77% of children had a negative malaria test.10 No other form of iodine has had this kind of effect, though the power of iodine to kill germs is well known.
While all iodine has some of these germicidal properties, only nascent iodine excels in supplying iodine that the immune system readily utilizes. Though the properties of nascent iodine have been known for decades, it has been difficult to produce a true and stable nascent iodine. Iodine normally exists in nature in a dimer state as diatomic iodine, I2. It also can be combined with potassium or sodium to form the common ionic form. In a novel patented treatment, using an intense electromagnetic field, iodine molecules, I2, can be teased apart into singlet iodine.11 Iodine is not usually stable in this singlet form, which is why a lot of energy is required to produce this magnetically charged form of iodine. This singlet iodine is called nascent iodine, and it is the form of iodine that will give you the help you need to support a vigorous immune system response to a strong viral infection.
There are a few different manufacturers of nascent iodine as well. The nascent iodine that Hallelujah Diet sells is exactly the same product that provided efficacious immune system support in the clinical trial in India. This nascent iodine is the real thing, and you don't want to take chances on a product that might work when dealing with an Ebola viral infection. You want one that has proven protection”Nascent Iodine from Hallelujah Diet.
Liposomal Vitamin C
The research of vitamin C's properties as an anti-viral, anti-toxin, antibacterial, anti-cancer agent goes back to the 1930s and 1940s. In 1947 Dr. Frederick Klenner presented 60 cases of polio, caused by a virus, cured with no side effects using intravenous vitamin C injections.12 He also cured mumps, measles, chicken pox, viral pneumonia, and other afflictions with vitamin C, finding that the intravenous method, or intramuscular for very small children, was the most effective way to treat these viral diseases.
Linus Pauling championed the use of vitamin C as the cure for the common cold, but went on to show that intravenous vitamin C was a beneficial adjuvant therapy for cancer. 13 He also did work showing that ascorbic acid prevented HIV virus from replicating in newly infected and chronically infected CD4+cells in vitro.14
One important note about the Ebola viral infection is that it induces a very acute case of scurvy, which leads to internal and external bleeding. When all of the vitamin C and antioxidants has been used up in the body, there are none left to maintain the integrity of the blood vessels. This mechanism, coupled with the severe selenium deficiency discussed above, which causes clots to form in capillaries, raises the local blood pressure and puts excessive strain on the weakened vessel walls. So, massive bleeding ensues. Providing vitamin C and other antioxidants is a very important aspect of overcoming an Ebola infection.
There is a new oral form of vitamin C, called liposomal vitamin C that is proving very effective at replenishing the body™s depleted stores of vitamin C. Vitamin C is encapsulated in small spheres of bilayers of phospholipids. Large multilayered vesicles form spontaneously when a solution of phosphatidyl choline is dissolved in water. Ultrasonic energy or other high energy methods break these vesicles into smaller single-layer spheres. These spheres in a high quality product are about 100 ~200 nm in diameter, roughly one-hundredth the diameter of a common red blood cell. Because they appear as lipids to the body, they are easily absorbed from the digestive tract and also into the cells and organs. It appears that in many ways liposomal vitamin C is more effective, gram for gram, than intravenous vitamin C, without the required doctor and needles.
How effective is it? Here is one story. Alan Smith of New Zealand came down with a severe case of swine flu in 2009.15 He was put into a coma to stabilize his life-threatening condition, and put on life support. A chest x-ray revealed viral pneumonia so heavy that it was termed œwhite-out with no air in his lungs. Shortly before the doctors wanted to take him off life support (no hope of survival) the family strongly insisted that they try intravenous vitamin C before giving up. Two days of megadoses of intravenous vitamin C were given and his lungs cleared up. After that the doctors would only administer 2 grams intravenously a day. Progress was very slow at this dose. Upon transfer to a hospital closer to home (with a chance of survival) the new doctor team would not allow intravenous treatment. The family decided to use liposomal vitamin C, 6 grams a day in divided doses. Dramatic improvement was then seen, as before with the megadose of intravenous vitamin C. Alan was able to walk out of the hospital, a man spared by his family insisting on using vitamin C to support a vigorous immune response to a deadly infection.
Dr. Thomas Levy, MD, JD who literally wrote the book on vitamin C and infectious diseases16 has worked extensively with both intravenous vitamin C and liposomal vitamin C. He was skeptical initially at the results from liposomal vitamin C, but the great results convinced him that liposomal vitamin C was a very powerful product. In a lecture he said, œI proved to my satisfaction that 5-6 grams of properly encapsulated liposomal vitamin C taken orally had a greater clinical impact than a 50 gram infusion.17 He gave a case report of a 15 year old girl in Colombia with hemorrhagic Dengue fever. She made a remarkable recovery when given 10 grams of liposomal vitamin C over a 24-hour period. This is certainly a relevant case report of the immune-boosting properties when discussing hemorrhagic Ebola fever. Liposomal vitamin C provides strong support for the immune system when dealing with hemorrhagic fever.
Silver Biotics
Silver is a natural antibiotic, anti-viral, antifungal, and anti-parasite. Bacteria do not develop resistance to it, and it was in use long before modern antibiotics were developed. There are many companies selling colloidal silver solutions, and you can purchase units for home use to make your own colloidal silver. However, developing a silver product that lives up to its claims as an antibiotic and antiviral requires testing, retesting, and substantiating claims. One company has excelled at this process”American Biotech Labs, the makers of Silver Biotics in the USA, and products containing its SilverSolâ„¢ technology worldwide.
American Biotech Lab's two latest patents (#7,135,195 and #8,753,691) detail uses of their nano silver product. In vitro Silver Biotics kills a long list of bacteria and fungi, 56 mentioned specifically.18No bacteria were found that were resistant to its action in vitro, including MRSA (methicillin-resisantStaphylococcus aureus), unlike resistance found to various antibiotics. Antiviral activity was also shown against Hepatitis B virus by inhibiting DNA polymerase and reverse transcriptase activity. People were given the patented nano silver for immune support against human ailments in Ghana, West Africa, both externally and internally. Ailments included malaria (2 teaspoons three times a day; symptoms clear within 5 days), upper respiratory tract infections, urinary tract infections, sinusitis, vaginal yeast infections, eye, nose and ear infections, cuts, fungal skin infections, and sexually transmitted diseases, such as gonorrhea.18 Immune system response was effective in all of these examples, with resolution of symptoms, sometimes a day or two faster, or a day slower, were similar to those seen with the 11 malaria cases reported. One patient with HIV was given 5 ml twice a day as immune system support with resolution of symptoms in 5 days.
Silver Biotics can be used internally, but it is also very effective for surface cleaning. And when combined with about 1 to 1.5% hydrogen peroxide it has a synergistic killing effect on viruses and bacteria, detailed in the patents mentioned above. For example, the organism Yersinia pestis, the cause of Bubonic plague, was treated in vitro with 14 ppm silver and 1.5% hydrogen peroxide. A 6-log reduction in live organisms took only 4.5 minutes.19 Silver Biotics was also shown to be effective in killing influenza viruses on surfaces, specifically strains H1N1, H3N2 (Avian Influenza A), with 2 and 3-log reductions in live viruses after 12 hour exposures.19
Silver Biotics could also be used in water purification to disinfecting drinking water. At a silver concentration of 0.20 ppm it took less than 5 minutes to kill all of the bacteria intentionally added to a raw water sample.18
Silver Biotics is also non-toxic, with only 10-32 ppm silver in the colloidal solution. It is a mix of silver particles, not ions, and silver oxide on the outside of the particle. The size of the particles is carefully controlled to be between 5 and 15 nm. There is also a unique resonant frequency permanently embedded in each silver particle that allows the silver to work so effectively at low and very safe levels, where other colloidal silvers have not given consistent results.
Protocol for All 4 Products
These products all have been used individually to help a person mount an effective immune response, but they can be combined for additive and possibly synergistic healing effects as well. Except for the selenium, the other products are most effective on an empty stomach taken separately from food. The liposomal vitamin C can be taken with the Silver Biotics, but both of them should be separate from the Nascent Iodine.
For effective immune support, begin with Nascent Iodine, taking 10 drops in about 100 ml of purified water. About 15-30 minutes later take 1-2 grams of vitamin C as liposomal vitamin C and 1 teaspoon of Silver Biotics. Wait about 30 minutes before consuming solid food. Repeat this every 4 hours: First thing in the morning before a morning meal, before midday meal, before evening meal, before retiring for the night, and twice during the night as needed while fever and symptoms are present. This will give up to 6 doses a day of these 3 supplements. Take the selenium supplement with food. High doses of selenium as selenomethionine (>1,000 µg per day) can be taken for a several days, but the long-term tolerable upper limit for selenium is 400 µg per day. High doses of selenomethionine are safer than sodium selenite. Continue the supplements at high doses (at least 3 times a day for Nascent Iodine, liposomal vitamin C, Silver Biotics) for several days after any fever has broken to prevent any recurrence and promote complete restoration of health.
People who are in direct contact with victims of Ebola should not wait for symptoms to occur before beginning this immune-boosting protocol. Using the Nascent Iodine, liposomal vitamin C, and Silver Biotics 2 to 3 times a day, and getting 400 µg of selenium a day can go a long ways to preventing any loss of energy and vitality while helping others with their infections. Keeping up a high intake of natural antioxidants and phytochemicals from a very high intake of fruits, vegetables, fresh vegetable juice, and a plant-based diet will also be helpful for staying hydrated and maintaining energy during stressful times. You need all of the help you can get.