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Favorite Recipes from Hallelujah Acres HardCopy Book



Let the salivating start: The recipes of the year are here! Mmmm…2010 was really a very good year—at least in the kitchen! Every week, Reverend Malkmus shares recipes from his wife Rhonda in his Hallelujah Health Tip email. And every week, we get the chance to try something new, amazingly tasty and, of course, incredibly healthy. But sometimes emails get overlooked or go unsaved. Where you really need recipes is in a cookbook! And we’re happy to oblige. Dig into this compilation of 68 lovingly created recipes, from Autumn Gold Soup to Yum Yum Plums, with dozens of delicious discoveries in between. All vegan, raw-food and Bible-based, of course. And all—how shall we say?—droolingly delicious. Your whole body loves the Hallelujah Diet. Here’s some extra fun for your tongue
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